Stopped Regularly Eating German Rye Sourdough Bread
I stopped buying German rye sourdough bread from my usual supplier because recent batches had quality issues.
I stopped eating German rye sourdough bread, previously one of my staple foods, on August 30, 2020.
I stopped eating German rye sourdough bread on August 30, 2020, after three consecutive orders (about ten days’ worth), which were noticeably lighter. The difference in texture made me think they had changed the recipe. Perhaps they added too much wheat flour or yeast. Besides being less dense and softer, the bread also tasted different.
Most significantly, the bread caused abdominal bloating post-consumption.
I collected my last order on August 28, and we finished the bread on August 30. I’m now on the lookout for another source of high-quality sourdough bread.